천주교 여성 지도력의 특성과 한계 (강영옥) > 종교



천주교 여성 지도력의 특성과 한계 (강영옥)

페이지 정보

작성자 운영자 작성일20-03-23 12:47 조회3,819회 댓글0건



천주교 여성 지도력의 특성과 한계




. 서론

. 천주교 여성 지도력의 원천과 특성

. 결론





The purpose of this article is studying the intrinsic Catholic source of feminine leadership in the perspective of dogmatic theology. In fact, extraordinary feminine leaders have been existed in history, but theories about feminine leadership came out since 1990’s. The one of elements that consist human conscious structure comes from religious-cultural tradition. A new perspective of feminine leadership regarding experience of women and wisdom of ancestors in religious-cultural tradition by ages can be illuminated rather than just feminine characters determine the feminine leadership. This article researches the process how the feminine leadership theories have developed in modem times. Then, the article argues the source of Catholic feminine leadership perspective on the basis of John Paul II’s apostolic letter Mullieris dignitatem-on the dignity and vocation of women(1987). The source of Catholic feminine leadership in this article consist in three elements: dignity of women by image of the God, vocation of women as motherhood-leadership, and servant leadership as the spirituality of Catholic leadership.


키워드: #여성의 존엄성 #모성 #여성지도력 #섬김의 리더쉽 #카톨릭 여성의 지도력 #dignity of woman #motherhood #feminine leadership #servant leadership #catholic women`s Leadership


출처: 한국종교학회 종교연구 제58, 2010.3, 155 177



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